Wednesday, December 17, 2008


... make me crazy sometimes ... okay ... most of the time.

The weather here has been .... dreary, to put it nicely. And yesterday it was a gray foggy drive into work ... and that was at one in the afternoon. And yet, with crappy visibility, wet roads, and poor driving conditions half of the idiots on the road didn't take basic safety precautions.

Look, I'm no angel behind the wheel. I generally speed slightly and there are times that I follow closer than I should. I don't always stop completely at a stop sign, and I have pulled through a red light (after sitting at it for 5 minutes with no other traffic visible). BUT visibility is everything. Half of these people didn't have their headlights on.

It was 1 in the afternoon, why should they use their headlights? They could see just as well without them.

Yes they could ... having them on or off made no difference in how well I could see. I know, however, that it made a HUGE difference in how well others could see me ... because I know how much difference it made in how well I could see a car that had their lights on verses how well I could see one with them off.

Drives me nuts ....

While it wasn't an issue yesterday ... people that drive in the fog at night, early morning or evening, and use their high beams also drive me nuts. Heck as it is I drive at night on a dark road with no street lights going home at around 11pm and even on a clear night I almost never use my brights, but I swear that there is a large portion of the driving population that believes that they have to have their high beams on all the time or they can't drive.

Ah well ... this was really a pointless rant ... just needed to vent a bit ... I think that the gray weather and dull nights at work are starting to turn my brain to mush.....

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