Tuesday, January 06, 2015


Not a single post in 2014 ... that's actually kind of sad.

However, I do intend to write more in 2015 (though technically with this one post I've already achieved that goal). Both here and over at my Game Corner. 'The Wife' and I have decided that it's time to get serious about some things, and I think that getting back to writing here will, hopefully, help me focus some. I'll be writing over at the Game Corner more as well since part of what we're trying to get serious about is game design and, hopefully, development. (No don't expect to see a MMO announcement from us any time soon....)

Here I'll still be posting my views opinions and rants on various events and life and people in general. The contents of both blogs are my opinions formed through my life experiences. I don't expect everyone to like them or agree with them. Hell most people won't even read them, but that's not the point of writing these. It's a way to vent and express myself and celebrate the fact that I can do so.

Feel free to join me ... discuss, argue, agree, disagree, etc in the comments. I ask only that you leave personal attacks (toward me or any other commenters) out of it. Keep it civil and on topic and we'll all get along fine.

2015 is just getting started ... and so am I.

Happy New Year everyone.

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