Wow ... this year has really blown by and it's December already. I have some more normal rambling to do, but for now I just wanted to catch up on the last several months.
September saw the launch of WAR a fantasy based MMO set in the Games Workshop Warhammer setting. As a long time player of MMOs, Painter of GW models, player of Warhammer Fantasy RPG (back in the day) and player of the GW tabletop games in general I was a natural to be interested. As this isn't really a game based blog I'm not going to go into a full review, but I was pleased over all, Mythic did a really good job (in my opinion) of capturing the feel of the Warhammer universe and creating a game that was fun to play.
During this time the wife and I also dove back into working on our art at Grimscale Studios and have even made prints available of our newer pieces. While I'd LIKE to say that this has led to a windfall of print sales and requests from major museums to display our pieces, it has not. But really we are just doing it because we enjoy the creative process and creating something that is visually interesting is our main reward.
Speaking of the Creative Process ... we also participated in the 10th Anniversary of NaNoWriMo. It was as frantic and exciting as ever with work being a major hassle. However, my biggest hurdle was my own dissatisfaction with how the novel was dragging. I went from being caught up and even a little ahead to falling way behind to the point that going into the final (thankfully long) weekend I still needed over 20,000 words. Thanks to some well timed 'motivation' from my wife I managed to finish at 51,309 words before midnight November 30th.
Which pretty much brings us to now ... I may have mentioned it here a couple of years ago, but a game that my wife and I have enjoyed is starting a new Tale this weekend. The game is an MMO but is unlike any other MMO I've ever played, and that is part of what keeps drawing us back. The game in question is A Tale in the Desert which will launch its fourth telling on Saturday the 13th of December 2008.
Part of what sets A Tale in the Desert apart is that it is a crafting/socialization based game rather than the normal combat focus of most games in that genre. My plan is to start up a new blog with more of a focus on games/art/music so I'll save detailed info on ATitD for there, but I'll post a link to that once I get it set up.
I plan to get back to writing here on a more regular basis again and I'm stocking up some rants and rambles to take the Path of Bones into a new year. "Change" is in the air now and 2009 promises to be an 'interesting' year ...
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