There is, however, something on the horizon that will get me writing here again, though it may or may not be the political ranting and raving that you’re used to. My wife and I have ‘officially’ gone crazy. (Okay Ssark, Kiaris, all of you just hush. =P) Some of you have probably guessed it, and yes, you’re right, we’ve officially signed up for November’s NaNoWriMo event. (NaNoWriMo.Org)
Yeah I hear you saying ‘didn’t you just do that in January?’ … yes we did … BUT it wasn’t the official worldwide event, just our own personal challenge. This time we’re doing it as part of the Official NaNoWriMo: Klikhizz and Hiirazz.
So why is that going to get me writing more here?
Warm up exercises. I’m going to try and get back into writing and posting here regularly … be it rants or just journal material or even stream of consciousness; anything to try and get me back into pulling words out of my head in some sort of meaningful order. I may even write up character information, background info, or various other bits of the prep work for the plot/story I’ve got planed. (and to answer your question before you ask it Kiaris, no it is not going to be Blood and Ashes, though if I can get myself back into writing I may seriously sit down and knock that one out at some point in the near future.)
So, what IS it going to be? Well I’m not 100% positive of course, because my last one (The Last Voyage of the Strange Twist) spun so far away from my original intended plot that I don’t trust myself to keep this one nailed down any better, but we’re going for a Science Fiction/Superhero genre plot line using some characters that I’ve had for a while (in fact at one time was considering trying to publish a comic book) but taking them in a slightly different direction than before.
In any case I learned a few things from my challenge in January (and the miserable failure of a challenge that I tried in July) that I plan to put to use in this official undertaking so I’m hoping to pull it off again. Once November kicks around my posts here may drop off again a bit, but I will try and get something up to let you all know how things are progressing …. And of course you can always drop by NaNoWriMo and check on my profile to keep up with my progress.
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