Well just some quick rambling while I wrap up my day at work today. I’ve been sifting through the NaNoWriMo forums looking over various plot ideas, questions, answers, and just general forum discussion as part of my prep for November 1st. I already know the general story that I plan on writing as it’s one that I’ve technically summarized before and now I’m just fleshing it out to a full length novel, but it’s always a good idea to look around at other peoples story ideas and questions since you never know what might inspire you or give you something that you can use as a lifeline if you find the word count dropping.
I don’t claim that anything I’m coming up with is earth shattering or original … it’s the not very distant future in a cyber-punkish setting (sprawling city, high crime rate, high tech comfort colliding with low tech poverty, and big corporations holding most of the power) … into which we throw a mixture of super-natural, super-hero, and magic. Hopefully what I’ll end up with will be interesting and compelling.
My main characters are fairly well already developed, but there are still certain elements of the setting that I need to flesh out a little more: Name of the city, certain details regarding the main character and his relation to the rest of his family, means of income, etc. And … well … some antagonist would probably be a good idea.
Then again half the fun of NaNoWriMo is the excitement/horror of coming up with these things on the fly as you’re flinging yourself toward the 50,000 word finish line.
The other thing that I need is a title … NaNoWriMo November 2006 – Working Title just doesn’t capture the sprit of action and adventure, or even the dark setting that I want the novel to contain … I just really feel that it needs and deserves something …. more. More what I’m not sure … just more….
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